How do I light my Tenderflame?

– For the candles and tabletops, fill the container to ±1 cm below the top. Place the wick and poor some fuel on top of the wick so it absorbs the fuel properly. Light the wick with a long lighter or preferably a torch lighter. It may take a few seconds before your Tenderflame will start burning.

– For the fireplaces and tabletops with the 90mm horizontal wick, poor the fuel in the tank and closely to the small hole in the corner. Check the small red indicator to see how full it is. Poor some fuel on top of the wick so it absorbs the fuel properly. 500ml should fit in the tank. Light the wick preferably with a torch lighter. It may take a few seconds before your Tenderflame will start burning.

– For the fireplaces and tabletops with the 180mm horizontal wick, open the fuel lid and poor the fuel in the tank. Check the small red indicator to see how full it is. The tank has a capacity of 1 liter fuel. Poor some fuel on top of the wick so it absorbs the fuel properly. Light the wick preferably with a torch lighter. It may take a few seconds before your Tenderflame will start burning.

How do I refuel my Tenderflame?

We recommend letting your Tenderflame burn until the fuel is empty and refuel it the next you want to burn your Tenderflame.

Since our unique Tenderfuel doesn’t burn on its own, but only in combination with our steel wick, it is even safe to refuel your Tenderflame white when it’s burning.

Make sure you carefully refuel and make sure not to overfill the container.

What is Tenderfuel

Our products use our unique fuel, it is called Tenderfuel. Combined with our patented steel wick, Tenderflame gives you unparalleled safety. Tenderfuel isn’t classified as toxic or inflammable and won’t ignite until it reaches 104 degrees Celsius. This only in combination with our steel wick.

Tenderfuel has been tested and analyzed thoroughly at several institutes and universities, like: Teknologisk Institutt (KIWA), TI, Svensk Proving (RISE) and the German TUV.

That’s why we can promise the next things: Tenderfuel is safe to store, safe to burn and can safely be exposed to your skin for example. Also, Tenderfuel burns so clean, that it gives you the possibility to bring the coziness of a fireplace in your home without the need of having a chimney.

How clean is Tenderfuel?

When Tenderfuel burns it produces water damp and a minimal amount of carbon dioxide (CO2). The amount of CO2 that is being produced is far below the set limits of the WHO. This has been tested extensively by us.

How do I extinguish my Tenderflame?

– The smaller candles can just be blown out like a normal candle.

– For the larger candles like the Café and Tulip can be extinguished by covering the flame with the included extinguisher. We advise you to keep this extinguisher on until your next use.

– For the fireplaces and tabletops with the larger 90mm and 180mm burners, an extinguisher is included as well. Place this extinguisher in between the 2 glasses to cover the wick. If this doesn’t work the first try, please try it again. We advise you to keep this extinguisher on until your next use.

Are Tenderflame product suited to use indoor as well as outdoor?

You can use product inside as well as outside. But we advise to prevent exposing your Tenderflame to rain and damp conditions. When you use your Tenderflame outside it may affect the estimated burning hours.

My flame is puffing and creating small sparks. Is this dangerous and what can I do to solve it?

The situation you’re experiencing can arise if the wick and or TenderFuel have absorbed moisture from their surroundings. This can happen if the lamp hasn’t been used for a period of time and left with fuel inside. The small water droplets you see and the are a result of this absorbed moisture, which burst when the fluid is heated by the steel wick to a certain temperature. Rest assured, this is not a hazardous situation, and the fix is simple. First, pour out the existing fluid in the tank, then refill it. When lighting it, ensure the wick is sufficiently moistened with Tenderfuel.

Does the wick need maintenance?

There are no special maintenance requirements for the wick. Possible dust can be dusted off with a cloth and the wick itself comes with a lifetime guarantee provided it’s being used in combination with our Tenderfuel.